We're Back!

We stopped support for Bot Turrets a very very long time ago, but after this price update, we will now continue to support Bot Turrets, mainly with bugfixes, adding new languages, and more. No major updates, but we will  try and make the OG Bot Turrets better every day!

Price changed from $1.00 to $4.99, but the game will be on sale 50% off until February 1st, 2024.

We're sorry for the price update, but our Christmas sale was 90% off and we felt like selling the game for only $0.10 (90% off $1) was too low.

We've made around $1,000 from this game and it rarely gets sales, so we decided to up the price. Seems like a bad move, but now whenever we get 1 sale, it's equivalent to 5 of our previous sale count. At least we're honest!

Appreciate the support <3

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